General Donations
You may make donations using Checks, Cash, Money Orders or Credit Cards at any time.
Donate by Check or Money Order
Checks or Money Orders should be made out to "SD89 Education Foundation ".
Donate by Credit/Debit Card
The SD89 Education Foundation accepts all major credit/debit cards.
If your employer has a matching gift program, your donation to the SD89 Education Foundation could be doubled.
Donating Property or In-Kind Gifts
Many of our programs with SD89 Education Foundation have had the benefit of donated equipment, materials and books. We will work with the appropriate Administrator to find the right "home" for your gift.
If you have a more collectible item, such as artwork or other collections that you would like to donate, we will work with you to help establish the fair market value of the gift for your income tax purposes, if you don't already have an appraisal.
The SD89 Education Foundation will also accept gifts of donated securities (stock) - you are able to receive an income tax deduction based on the fair market value of the security once it is transferred to the Foundation. Please call the Foundation office for more information.